domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

Error correction practice

Hello students!!

You've been working on a lot of grammar and vocabulary stuff lately. Just to make sure you understood it all, try and correct the mistakes you find in the sentences of the attached document (click the photo below). Bring it done, and we will deal with your answers and doubts all together in class.

Have fun!!
 Error correction practice

Challenge 2: work plan timeline

So as to carry out our challenge on transforming our school into a space filled with creativity, we will be using this work plan as a guide:

 Challenge 2: work plan

Activity 3: adjectives with -ed or -ing?

Hello students!!

After your enthusiasm doing the activity on for/since/ago, I decided that I would continue using this platform (occasionally) to do certain activities. As I consider that adjectives can be hard to deal with, I created this interactive game. Again, as previously, we will do it in class, but you can give it a look until we meet tomorrow.

Hope you like it again!!

Adjectives: -ed or -ing?

Activity 2: for/since/ago

Hello my fellow students!! Having a nice weekend?

Just want you to know that we will deal with an activity on the usage of for, since and ago in tomorrow's class. You can give it a look and start practicing.

See you tomorrow!!


Activity 1: identifying musical notes

Hi students!!

I know you've heard about the project we are trying to carry out here at our school, and I know you all want to know what it's about and what we're all going to do. Well, I will tell you as far as I can. As you know, we are interested in filling the school with creativity. In order to do so, there will be different groups focused on different art forms. You, according to your interests, may choose your group (and you can pick more than one).

And I'll tell you more. We are almost done organizing the music group!! Just to give you some info on how it is going to be, those of you who want to participate in musical projects will receive a master class on certain theoretical aspects of music, which are necessary to learn how to play certain melodies and songs in different instruments, such as piano or guitar. Here you have an schedule for this first session:

 Master class: first session

Down below you have an interactive game on identifying musical notes. It is not compulsory for you to do it, but it would surely prepare you in advance for the master class.

Hope you enjoy it!!

Musical notes

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2019

Presentación 3,2,1...

Hola, bienvenid@s!!

Utilizaré este blog para la materia de "Estrategias de innovación docente en el campo de lenguas extranjeras". Espero que el material que vaya subiendo os sirva de ayuda para algunos de vuestros proyectos.

Antes de nada, creo que es mejor que nos conozcamos un poco. Para ello, me presento en 3,2,1...